What Amphetamines Can Do For You
Amphetamines are a drugs that stimulate the CNS. They are able to do so, helping people deal with problems that they are currently facing such as an inability to function or have energy throughout the day. The effects only last for a few hours, after which they will need more. You can become addicted to them because of their limiting effects, which is why finding an alternative or a clinic to help you with your addiction is what you need to do next.
How To Stop Taking Amphetamines
The easiest way to stop taking amphetamines is to find a way to deal with the problems in your life and get everything back in balance. You won't need a jumpstart in the morning from an amphetamine if you actually have a mission or purpose in life. If you can't do this, and you want to stop taking them, you need to check into a rehab center. Or, you could talk to your doctor about changing your prescription for something that is less potent in an attempt to finally break you free of your addiction.