Smoking crack is hard on your system and can really do a number on your health. When you first quit it will be a good idea to speak with a doctor to see if there is anything wrong with your body. You may also have some mental issues that are caused by this that you need to get help with. If you don't already have a doctor now would be the time to get one hired. You can never be too careful. You may also want to get with a dentist because crack smoke is really bad for your teeth.
Get into rehab and stick with it for as long as you can. You have to be willing to commit to quitting, there is no way for this all to work for you if you're just going to skip the rehab part and try to move on with your life. Chances are that if you don't get professional help, you're going to go right back to crack cocaine and that's not good for you at all. Make it a point to want to quit and when all is said and done you will have a better chance at quitting this type of thing.
You now know what you can expect when you want to quit smoking crack. It's going to be hard to work with at first, but once it's done you will be happy that things are going to work out for you in the end.