Those who drink excessively may find that their personal relationships have begun to suffer due to their preoccupation with alcohol. Often, those who do not share in heavy drinking will begin to avoid the alcoholic because they no longer enjoy their company.
It can also begin to interfere with work if the person is continually hung over when they show up. Sometimes, the alcoholic will drink a bit to take the edge off of the hangover. While it may seem to alleviate some of the symptoms, the reality is that the person simply raises their blood alcohol level to a comfortable place. Coworkers and employers often notice that the person is drunk.
In addition to the family and employment hazards, the alcoholic may also find themselves in legal troubles. Once a person has become intoxicated, they lose perspective. This can lead to drunk driving or public intoxication charges. Even if the person feels that they are capable of driving, the reality is that inebriation will mislead them into poor judgement.
If you are addicted to alcohol, or know someone who is, there is help available. Find a detoxification center or a rehabilitation facility. These places can help you to clear the alcohol from your system in a safe environment. The medical staff on hand will ensure that you do not suffer any life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. After that, you will be taught the tools of living without alcohol.
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