The technical name for PCP, also known as 'Angel Dust', is Phencyclidine. Similar to the majority of illegal street drugs, Angel Dust began as one used for medicinal purposes; however, it was quickly rejected as medicine due to the highly detrimental psychological reactions noted by users. Some of these damaging psychological reactions included such negative effects as paranoia, anxiety and chemically-induced schizophrenia. This also led to the user not only being a danger to themselves, but also a danger to others.
Individuals who are under the influence of Angel Dust have been known to physically assault loved ones in the belief that they are someone or something else. Law enforcement officers have reported PCP users to be extremely violent and difficult to restrain due to the nature and intensity of their presenting hallucinations.
To overcome these highly negative effects, it is important you gain proper, professional help from those who understand the harmful effects of PCP. Not only is smoking PCP damaging your brain, but it can also cause second-hand intoxication and damage to any individuals around you.
If you are aware of someone who is abusing Angel Dust, then it is in your and their best interest to do research and find an effective rehabilitation center in the area. Professionals at this center are trained at completing interventions and providing expert medical care to help drug abusers overcome this highly addictive and dangerous drug.
If children are present, there is no time to waste! Have the authorities involved so the children may be protected during an intervention, which in many causes will be forced. It is often seen that the user will object to the treatment, but once they have undergone treatment they should realize that PCP is no joking matter.
For further information on PCP and other addictive substances have a look at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website. It provides information on treatment and recovery support for drug abusers and the loved ones:
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