Magic mushrooms or shrooms as they are referred to on the street, our natural products that are sold because of their hallucinogenic abilities. There is a chemical in the mushrooms called psilocybin which is able to cause people to hallucinate, a product that is primarily found in the United States, South America and Mexico. In most cases, it will have about half a percent of psilocybin for every dose that you take. It can be produced synthetically like other illegal drugs, however the effects may be slightly different. Here are some tips on finding treatment centers for individuals that would like to stop using magic mushrooms this year.

What Does Psilocybin Look Like
Magic mushrooms can be purchased dried, or fresh, and they will have slender stems with dark gills under the caps of the mushroom. If it's fresh, it will be whitish gray, whereas the dried variety is either an off-white or a rusty brown. When taken in excess, which is possible simply ingesting it as a tea, the body will convert the psilocybin to psilocyn which will cause the effects. Although Magic mushrooms look very harmless, and people use them in food and drinks every day, it is still something that you should avoid using because of the many risks that are involved.
Risks Involved With Magic Mushrooms
When you ingest the magic mushrooms, it will affect you for at least six hours. It will cause lack of coordination, muscle weakness and vomiting. Although tests had shown that people may not become physically dependent on psilocybin as they would on opiates or cocaine, the experience itself is what is addicting. You can have a bad trip where you will be unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy, and people with depression often have very scary experiences. You can get help for your addiction by finding a treatment center in your city or town that specifically helps individuals addicted to shrooms.
Since psilocybin is actually a schedule 1 substance, the same level at which LSD and heroin are ranked, it can get you into trouble if you are found with it in your possession, which is why getting help for your addiction to this drug is of utmost importance. Do a search on the web, or talk to your physician about treatment centers near you. You can contact them in full confidentiality, and get the help that you need.
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