Using or possessing weed is illegal in most states and it is against federal law. Possible legal consequences are the loss of a driver's license and jail time. In every state except for Washington and Colorado the use of marijuana is considered an illegal activity and each state has its own laws on the books.
Marijuana is considered to be a gateway drug. People who actively consume weed frequently find themselves in a situation where other drugs that are more dangerous and addictive are being used. The altered state contributes to the use of other drugs such as cocaine or heroin.
Most people smoke a joint when they use pot. This smoke enters your lungs and causes damage similar to the damage caused by cigarettes. The heat and other chemicals contained within weed can create suboptimal lung conditions.
Marijuana produces a strong odor when burned and this odor will linger long after you have stopped smoking. It creates a variety of symptoms during use such as dry mouth and eyes, excessive coughing fits, red eyes, and significant amounts of wheezing. Motor skills and cognitive function are almost always impaired significantly.
Marijuana strains differ in their psychoactive strength. Some strains are so powerful that they can cause hallucinations. Hospitals have treated patients for psychosis after an individual has smoked a strain that is particularly powerful.
Marijuana use can be quite addictive. People who try to quit report strange dreams and nervousness during withdrawal. It is a very popular drug but most people should stay away from it.
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