Monday, November 11, 2013

A Quick Look At Steroids

Most people in the world have heard of steroids at one time or another. Steroids are often associated with athletic performance enhancement and extreme muscle building.

While it is true that steroids, or "juice" as its coming refereed to can give you great increases in muscle and performance they also carry some risks.

What many people do not realize is that when you are taking either an oral or a injectable based steroid you body will basically stop producing its own testosterone. this is a problem specifically when you stop your cycle of "roids."

If you just stop your cycle of juice your estrogen levels will generally rise. This can cause many problems in men. A common problem is the growth of tissue mass in the chest. This gives then man the appearance of having small breasts.

Loss of muscle mass is also another common problem when coming off a cycle. This is a problem because of the higher estrogen levels and your bodies lack of natural testosterone.

To avoid this problem many users of "roids" often cycle down or use a post cycle therapy. The post cycle therapy helps to jump start your bodies natural functions and get you back t normal again.

There are many popular post cycle therapies or PCT as the are commonly refereed to by steroid users.

Steroids also have some long term health risks associated with them such as hypertension and hair loss to name a few.

Many of these side effects can be reduced if the amount of drugs taken is kept small and the cycles kept short. However like anything in life many people to steroid use to the extreme taking huge amounts of drugs and many times staying on juice almost year round. This extreme use causes many of the side effects to become worse.

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